Purple Pathway
Purple Pathway (Intent)
This pathway is designed to meet the needs of pupils over the age of 11 years facing severe barriers to learning. However, some pupils may transition to this pathway at an earlier age if appropriate. The curriculum will enable pupils to develop as much autonomy and self-advocacy as possible and equip them with the practical, life-skills needed to access supported employment schemes, further education and assisted living.
Teaching aims to develop pupils’ capacities in four key areas:
- Social and Emotional Development
- Communication
- Physical Development and Sensory Integration
- Cognition and Learning
Teachers plan their learning activities with reference to the following key outcomes:
- Pupils will learn to understand consequences in social situations and plan their actions with some awareness of boundaries
- Pupils will learn to work with others to solve problems in social situations and to get their needs met
- Pupils will learn to take turns in longer conversations (both initiating and responding)
- Pupils will learn to use words and ideas beyond the immediate situation for self-expression and to plan, negotiate and predict
- Pupils will develop confidence and consistency in performing an increasing range of physical skills
- Pupils understand the importance of exercise and how to make healthy life choices
- Pupils will learn to be as independent as possible with self-care and life skills to enable them to progress to assisted living
- Pupils will learn to generalise their learning into a range of real life contexts
- Pupils will learn to problem solve in both familiar and unfamiliar contexts including those that require the use of mathematical concepts and skills
- Pupils will learn to follow sequences and routines with increasing independence
- Pupils will learn to ‘read’ simple information (words/symbols/pictures) in concrete/real life contexts
- Pupils will use their knowledge of phonics and symbols to express wants, needs, opinions in the context of concrete activities
- Pupils will develop an awareness of their own culture and an appreciation of cultural diversity through the arts and religious festivals
- Pupils will learn the therapeutic benefits of spending time close to nature and practical ways of protecting it through outdoor learning experiences
Assessment (Impact)
Our pupils’ learning is captured and reviewed using the Interactive Learning Diary (ILD). Through the ILD we are able to record progress towards: key outcomes for the pathway; pupils’ personal goals; EHCP outcomes. Pupil Progress Meetings are held three times a year between the class teacher and the Assistant Head for the curriculum pathway. These meetings ensure that our judgments are accurate and that we are maximising opportunities for our pupils to learn and progress. Attendance data, behaviour data, and sensory profiling information may contribute towards a measure of our pupils’ health and wellbeing. Where appropriate, SaLT, OT and Physiotherapy reports will also be referred to, in order to gain a holistic picture of each pupil’s progress.