The School Council Meets ....


The School Council Meets………..

Cllr Ellie Emberson and Cllr Rachel Eden

Ellie and Rachel came together to speak to our students about how they became Clouncillors for Reading and what they do as Councillors.  Ellie gave us an insight on what it is like being the youngest voted in Councillor as she is only 20 years old.  They were really enjoyable to listen to and were really happy to have future links with The Avenue School.


Alok Sharma MP

We were so pleased that Alok Sharma agreed to come to The Avenue to speak to our School Councillors and friends from Merlin, Magies, Kestrels and Eagles class.  Alok was happy to anwser all the questions our students posed to him in a fun and informative way.  The students kept him on his toes asking questions ranging from ‘how he became an MP’ to ‘what school do your daughters go to’.   We even had a visit from Diego the Dog.