Blue Pathway

The blue pathway is an early years and primary provision for young people with severe barriers to their learning. We combine personalised EHC provision with subject based learning, including dedicated time for both.

The blue pathway offers both child-led and structured learning activities, ensuring that our curriculum is broken down, meaningful and meets the complex needs of our young people. When young people are ready, they can begin to access more formal learning programmes for phonics and maths. A typical day for the blue pathway includes:

  • Time to work towards personalised learning plans.
  • A focus on therapy plans, integrated into activities or as stand-alone sessions.
  • Child-led learning and play.
  • Structured adult-led activities.
  • Reading for pleasure.
  • Outside play.
  • The use of a specialist area of the school.


Green Pathway

The green pathway caters for pupils with the most profound and complex barriers to learning. Some pupils may have a diagnosis of Autism, while others may experience physical disability, sensory processing needs and complex medical needs.

We have an integrated care approach, ensuring that all pupils can continue to access learning opportunities as independently as possible, whilst also meeting their physical needs.

Pupils will have regular access to therapeutic services via the Children’s and Young People’s Therapy team (e.g. physiotherapy, speech and language therapy and occupational therapy) as well as input from the Sensory Consortium as needed.

The curriculum is holistic, individualised and experience led, linked to the SEND four areas of development. Many of our students are non-linguistic communicators and therefore we are focussed upon developing a range of personalised interaction and communication strategies to support our young people to make meaningful choices, build social connections and express their wants and needs.

All pupils will also have the opportunity to access a wide range of enriching activities including; hydrotherapy with trained aqua therapists, rebound therapy, soft play, sensory rooms, sensory gardens, outdoor learning, aerial yoga and community visits.


Purple Pathway

The purple pathway accommodates pupils over the age of 11 years old facing severe barriers to learning. However, some pupils may transition to this pathway at an earlier age if deemed appropriate.

The curriculum focuses on supporting pupils to develop as much autonomy and self-advocacy as possible and equip them with the practical life skills in order to access supported employment, further education & assisted living.

Pupils will have opportunities to work towards their individualised outcomes, stemming from their Education, Health & Care Plans, as well as functional life skills frameworks (e.g. decoding, understanding and communicating road signs in the community, using money and completing transactions within the community).

Communication and social development is key to enable our young people to improve their expressive and receptive language in order to express themselves in school and the wider society, preparing young people for adulthood.


Yellow Pathway

The yellow pathway is designed to meet the needs of pupils that have moderate barriers to learning. The curriculum promotes academic scholarship through providing pupils opportunities to build on prior knowledge and understanding, closely linked to prescriptive frameworks.

Learning is structured in a formalised way, focusing on more subject specific learning, whilst still incorporating individualised outcomes from Education, Health & Care Plans. Schemes used in yellow pathway include: Fresh Start, Read Write Inc and White Rose Maths.

Pupils will be guided through a comprehensive scheme of learning around PSHE, RSE and Citizenship. Pupils will have regular access to therapeutic services via the Children’s and Young People’s Therapy team (e.g. physiotherapy, speech and language therapy and occupational therapy). Some pupils may work towards formalised qualifications.



Sixth Form is made up of any pupils that are over the age of 16 and meet the school’s admissions requirements. This pathway can consist of range of needs and diagnosis, with opportunities for young people to be taught within the green, yellow or purple pathways.

The curriculum is highly personalised towards each individual within Sixth Form and focuses on development within the four key areas; preparing for further education/ employment, preparing for independent living, being as healthy as possible in adult life and preparing for participation in society.

Young people are given more flexibility within our Post 16 provision, with timetabled opportunities to socialise with their peers and make independent choices that shape their day.