Code of Conduct
General Rules
In CLASS OR AROUND SCHOOL pupils should:
- be kind and respectful to others
- follow instructions of members of staff at all times
- have respect for property - they shall not damage the buildings or equipment
- keep the school tidy
- be polite and show appropriate manners
- not bring offensive weapons to school
- not smoke, drink alcohol or be involved in substance abuse
- not swear or verbally abuse others - this includes racist and sexist comments
- not physically abuse others or threaten others - this covers amongst other things, hitting, fighting, kicking, spitting and throwing things
- wear school uniform
In addition whilst in the CLASSROOM, ASSEMBLIES OR MEETINGS pupils should:
- be on time
- remove hats and coats
- enter quickly and sit quietly
- accept the teachers’ ground rules
- stay in class
- listen to the teacher and one another
- make a serious attempt to do the work set by the teacher and to work for the whole lesson
- not eat, drink, chew or spit
and whilst AROUND SCHOOL pupils should
- walk around quietly and sensibly
- keep to designated areas and away from walls and fences
- not leave the site without permission
- show respect for the environment including things like play areas, trees and flowers
On wet days, staff will decide if pupils are to be inside or outside during break and lunch-time. If the decision is to be inside, all pupils will abide by this, (no supervision will be available outside on such an occasion).
When pupils are off site they are expected to behave sensibly and in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
Good work and good behaviour are celebrated through a range of reward systems.
On the occasion that a pupil does not co-operate with school organisation, a range of sanctions can be used. These depend upon the relationship between the pupil and staff. It is hoped that parents will support the use of sanctions when they are necessary. Discipline is not just about controlling bad behaviour, but is also about encouraging and rewarding good behaviour.